Sunday, December 29, 2019

Operating Session 12

Operating Session #12 took place on Saturday 12/28/2019.  I had 6 operators in addition to myself.  With us being a bit short handed I ended up running the P&PU yard switcher in the morning in addition to dispatching.  The P&E Pekin switcher also needed to run his own Corn Products switch jobs and American Distilling switch jobs.

The recently adjusted ATSF and P&E timetables worked well.  On the ATSF we now have bigger time gaps in between scheduled trains, allowing the extra locals to do their work without as much interference.  I had previously been thinking about changing the fast clock ratio to 3-1, but the usual 4-1 worked really nicely with the new timetables.

Here were the assignments for the session, Monday 9/14/1959:

  • 6:45am ATSF/P&E/C&IM/P&PU Dispatcher on duty.  Dan J, all day job.
  • 6:45am ATSF Pekin switcher on duty. Rich S, all day job.
  • 7:00am PPU yard switcher on duty.  Morning Dan J, afternoon Frank S.
  • 7:00am PE switcher on duty. Dave H, all day job.
  • 7:00am ATSF#14 Eastward passenger from Pekin.  Charlie S.
  • 7:15am ATSF Eastward extra local freight from East Yard. Brad H.
  • 7:45am ATSF #47 Westward green fruit express from ATSF staging (Streator).  Frank S.
  • 9:50am ATSF Westward extra local freight from ATSF staging (Streator). Bill A.
  • 10:00am ATSF #48 Eastward through-freight from East Yard.  Charlie S.
  • 10:15am CIM #6 Northward freight from CIM staging.  Frank S.
  • 12:05pm PE #11 Westward passenger from PE staging (Bloomington).  Charlie S.
  • 12:20pm ATSF #17 Westward mail and express from ATSF staging (Streator).  Dan J.
  • 12:50pm PE #95 Westward freight from PE staging (Bloomington).  Brad H.
  • 2:00pm PE #12 Eastward passenger from East Peoria.  Brad H.
  • 3:05pm CIM #7 Southward freight from East Peoria.  Charlie S.
  • 3:15pm ATSF #13 Westward passenger from ATSF staging (Streator).  Brad H.
  • 3:30pm ATSF #50 Eastward way-freight from East Yard.  Frank S.
  • 4:30pm PE #90 Eastward freight from East Peoria.  Charlie S.
  • 4:45pm ATSF Westward coal extra from ATSF staging (Streator) to East Peoria via Pekin Jct.  Brad H.
  • 4:55pm ATSF #49 Westward way-freight from ATSF staging (Streator).  Dan J.  Stopped in Roanoke at end of session.
  • End of session ~ 5:15pm.
  • 7:00pm ATSF #18 Eastward mail and express from Pekin.  Did not run before end of session.
  • Evening ATSF Eastward extra local from from East Yard.  Did not run before end of session.
  • 1:20am PE #99 Westward freight from PE staging (Bloomington).  Did not run before end of session.

Train orders issued during the session:

  1. To: C+E ENG 2395 at East Yard.  Body: AFTER No 14 DEPARTS EAST YARD ENG 2395 RUN EXTRA EAST YARD TO STREATOR.  Complete: 6:30a. 
  2. To: C+E X707 WEST at Streator, C+E X2395 EAST at Morton.  Body: EXTRA 707 WEST MEET EXTRA 2395 EAST IN ROANOKE.  Complete: 9:26a.
  3. To: C+E ENG 707 at Streator.  Body: ENG 707 RUN EXTRA STREATOR TO EAST YARD.  Complete: 9:45a.
  4. To: C+E No 48 at Washington, C+E X707 WEST at Roanoke.  Body: No 48 RUN 30 MIN EARLY.  Complete: 10:32a.
  5. To: C+E P&E No 12.  Body: No 12 WAIT AT EAST PEORIA UNTIL No 95 HAS ARRIVED.  Complete: 1:55p.
  6. To: C+E ENG 2101 at Streator.  Body: ENGINE 2101 RUN EXTRA STREATOR TO EAST PEORIA VIA PEKIN JCT.  Complete: 4:40p.

Monday, December 23, 2019

New string diagram for the ATSF

Below is a new string diagram for the update timetable on the ATSF.  The new timetable gives more room for extra local freights to work in the morning and afternoon.

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

New ATSF and P&E timetables for the layout

I've tweaked the ATSF timetable to create a bit more room in the afternoon schedule to run extras.  The action on the ATSF now runs into the evening as well.
ATSF timetable
The P&E timetable has been altered to have all four scheduled freights that existed in reality in 1959.
P&E timetable

The train info pages have been updated to match the new timetables.

Saturday, December 7, 2019

More P&E staging tracks built

P&E staging has been improved to support a more realistic schedule for the Peoria and Eastern.  Now with two 7ft hidden staging tracks I can support two freights each way, and a passenger train each way.  Additionally a too tight curve on the 2% grade from staging was ripped up and re-laid with about a 16" radius.  Previously a single engine could only pull 8 cars up from staging.  Now that same engine can pull 14 cars.  I've learned to never go for an excessively tight radius, even in hidden trackage by staging.