Saturday, November 2, 2019

Changes to car card boxes

Up until now my card card boxes at each station have had a slot for each major industry, or a slot per two or three minor industries.  Cards facing outward were considered ready for pickup, and cards facing inward were holds.  Delievered cards went into the slots facing inward.  Locals working the town would have to inspect each card ready for pickup, to figure out if it was headed in their direction.  This has proven to be tricky, particularly for newer operators who may not be familiar with all of the stations on the layout.

In an effort to simplify things for operators I have relabeled the car card boxes with slots for Eastbound Pickups, Westbound Pickups, and one (or two) for Deliveries / Holds / Off-Spots.  The plan is for holds and deliveries to go facing in into the Deveries / Holds / Off-Spots box, with the off-spot cars facing outwards.  The direction of cards in the pickup boxes doesn't matter.  Hopefully this will make things easier for those working the towns.

Which setup do you prefer?

Old box labels.  With a slot for every two industries.

New box labels.  With an Eastbound Pickups slot, Deliveries / Holds / Off-Spots slot, Westbound Pickups slot.

1 comment:

  1. I prefer one slot per track or industry. If the car's destination is somewhere other than where it currently is, it might be a pickup. Bill Angus
