Saturday, January 12, 2019

Thinking toward the next expansion

Lately I've been trying to focus on structures and scenery.  I'm currently working on Washington, IL and hoping to get it scenicked by the next operating session in February.  However, I have also been thinking toward the next expansion of the layout.  Phase 4 of the layout would involve cleaning out the workshop room which is current full of junk, and knocking down the wall between the layout room and the workshop.  I expect that this will take the layout out of action for months, so I'm not rushing to get started on this.

The goal of phase four would be to more accurately model the trackage rights on the TP&W by adding the town of Eureka on the TP&W, adding Streator junction, and adding the east TP&W staging.  This would allow for some TP&W traffic to run on the TP&W instead of only ATSF traffic.  Phase four would also move Roanoke to a different wall, and allow for the addition of an additional town on the ATSF.  Adding Benson, IL would be the most accurate location wise, but adding Minonk would likely be more interesting.  Phase four would also replace the current staging yard with a larger staging yard.

Here is what the layout currently looks like

Here is what the layout will likely look like after the phase 4 construction

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